Canadian Regulatory Intelligence and Foreign Safety Updates
Healthcare companies must stay informed of changes to regulations, guidances, policies, and regulatory information for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. This requires monitoring multiple websites and changes that are introduced. However, even the most efficient associate will spend hours each week trying to find, review, and compile all of this information.

Get a Canadian Regulatory Intelligence Update Delivered to Your Inbox Every Week
The Canadian Regulatory Intelligence Update, published by TPIreg™, the regulatory division of Innomar Strategies, provides the following updates on a weekly basis:
All updates related to drugs and devices from Health Canada, issued through the
- Therapeutic Products Directorate (TPD),
- Biologic and Radiopharmaceutical Drugs Directorate (BRDD),
- Marketed Health Products Directorate (MHPD),
- Medical Devices Directorate (MDD),
- Non-prescription and Natural Health Products Directorate (NNHPD) and
- Drug Establishment Licencing (DEL) updates
- All updates issued from the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH)
- All updates issued from Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB)
- All updates issued from Pharmaceutical Advertising Advisory Board (PAAB)
- All updates issued from Canadian Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) related to drugs
Monitor Foreign Safety Updates

Weekly Foreign Authorities Safety Update

Health Canada also requires the submission
of foreign safety updates. In addition to our regulatory intelligence
publication, our weekly Foreign
Authorities Safety Update provides updates, including recalls and safety
notices, from the countries that Health Canada is expecting you to monitor,
including the U.S., Switzerland, France, and many more. The information
provided is collected from all countries that have a searchable database and is
aggregated by generic name.
Any company can easily verify if a drug they sell is covered and determine if there is a need to alert Health Canada within the prescribed 72-hour period.

Purchase an Annual Subscription
Subscribe to the Canadian Regulatory Intelligence Update or the Foreign Authorities Safety Update. Complete this contact form for more information and pricing details.